Dragonfly whispers & Oak Tree musings ….. listening to the voice of Mama Earth & the Stars

Intuition Tools
Our intuition is a mysterious, fun, very real part of who we are as humans. Cats know that listening in the dark opens their sense further, and even other “senses.” So I’ve set up a page for you, to share some intuitive practices I’ve used that work. So visit here, try them out, and most of all have fun with your adventures in the world of Heaven, Earth and the in-between.

New beginnings
One of my favorite times to begin a new project, painting, illustration, spiritual practice, etc. is on a new moon. Yep, I am a follower of moon cycles, even though I have been told it’s only “space station.” Or something along those lines.

January 2020 & January 6, 2021
For days, I had been hearing “Washington, D.C.” with no other words than that. As a clairaudient that is often the case, for me anyway. When I heard about January 6, 2021 almost a year later I finally understood.

Star Man and Heart Wreath
I must admit that it is one of my most precious moments to date with the star beings. I wanted to share it because it is not at all as most of Hollywood movies would have us believe.

“Many Souls are Leaving”
“Many Souls are Leaving” My encounter with prophecy about September 11, 2001 via my sketchbook on September 7, 2001.

Eyes On …..
I have heard people claim have a “We are abandoned by the Divine, etc. to ‘the powers that be’ and no one cares in the Universe about earth and its citizens.”
Phooey on that. Not true … at all.

Unknown Woman with University Connection
This lovely lady showed herself to me via my sketchbook on the above date. I still do not know who she is, but I do hope that she is someday identified…….

Angelina Maria
Angelina Maria is in her 30s and is of Irish Italian descent. She has black hair, green gold eyes…..