Pandora Pillsbury

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Eyes On …..

I have heard people claim have a “We are abandoned by the Divine, etc. to ‘the powers that be’ and no one in the Universe cares about earth and its citizens.”

Phooey on that. Not true … at all.   Let me assure you we do have “eyes on” us and a whole galaxy and Universe is paying attention.  Why wouldn’t it?   We are a part of something greater than us.   However, those beyond our world, be that the Divine or being from other worlds cannot rescue us.   (It’s that whole ‘non-interference” thing.   Yes, just like in Star Trek years ago and it’s a truth.)

On earth, our bicycle training wheels are off now.  It’s up to us.   “But what about…..???” I hear you ask.  Yes, there are situations where interference might be needed but we are “not there”…yet.

What these other worldly beings know, and we forgot (and are taught to forget) is that we are intuitive, strong and so very powerful in our creativity.  We also have enormous strength of heart. Every race in the Universe experiences evolutionary growth.  No one is “picking on us.”

The star beings and other forces observing us know this.  They have had their own challenges with growth.   I am many of them are feeling memories of “been there…done that.”  They know, through experience, that it’s all a part of existing as souls.

What the star beings, if we sat with them to talk “in person,” would tell us is that, “You CAN do this.  You have all the skills necessary to maneuver this growing time.“  I take enormous courage from that dialogue.  I’ve heard it, I’ve felt it in my bones. They have been saying this for some time now.  As our support system, they are gently in place, cheering us on.

I say, with total conviction, that if we choose as individuals, to exercise our Source-given creative powers, use our innate intuition, and re-direct our self-willed stubbornness, to be solution oriented we can recreate this new world. It’s already happening. And someday I know we will walk tall, heads high into the arms of our star being families and friends as part of the galactic collective. 

We have our creativity and our diversity.  We have each other.  The combination of these is mountain moving, earth shifting….civilization creating and re-creating.  

Note: The star being you see above is Sabina. She hails from a feline planet and is a guide of a friend of mine.