A “Knowing” ….. Prophecy …. Fortelling Claircognizance….
Sometimes we do know the future ……..
What you will see below is just a few of my encounters with prophecy … as an artist. This has been a part of my life since I was 10, sometimes coupled with claircognizance (clear knowing), but it was never a plan of mine to incorporate foretelling’s or prophecy with painting and drawing. However, it happened all the same. This is a ‘voice’ that lives through me. It’s nothing I seek, it’s just present in my life. I am quite certain I am not the only human on the planet who lives with this.
Is everything 100% exact, particularly relating to an image? No, of course not. But the image accuracy is pretty spot on, however it does not always include all details. Up to this point in time information has come unbidden. It “floats” in or up from a place I cannot define, sometimes through dreams, or when drawing in my sketchbook. Every single time I have had one of these foretelling’s they unfold as relayed to me.
Do I expect people to take every prophecy I share as gospel? Or adopt my views on prophecy? No, actually I don’t. Truthfully speaking, I expect folk to use their own discernment. About anything and everything. Including any words I write, or speak. The world is a safer place for us as individuals when we listen to our own intuition, discernment, and voice of reason.
So, when I write about prophecy, or draw it, or hear it, just think of it as Spirit ‘just sayin’ through me. If you want to hear more about this check out the Journal where I talk more about it.
*** A Note: Please know that I do not “tell” futures or fortunes for individuals. It is because my personal belief is that our best futures are the ones we create for ourselves. What I share here is generally about “collective” futures, although on occasion I will create a painting that turns out to be prophecy for someone. But this topic is for another blog post. IF I am guided to offer personal foretelling’s I will post something here on this page or in my newsletter.
“Many Souls are Leaving”
On September 7, 2001 that is what I “heard” clairaudiently as I was compelled to draw this image. Four days before 9/11
For more information please visit The Journal.
January 31, 2020
The Nation’s Capital
For days, in January 2020, I had been hearing “Washington, D.C.” with no other words than that. As a clairaudient that is often the case, for me anyway. When I heard about January 6, 2021 almost a year later I finally understood. Read more about it here.
Butterflies and Crystals
I did this quick sketch in April of 2004. There are actually two butterflies that I drew, but at this moment the location of the second butterfly escapes me. Once I locate it I will post it.
The next day my family and I visited a local metaphysical shop where on a glass shelf was this beautiful little piece of Chrysanthemum stone! I caught my attention because of the radiating lines on the “butterfly stone” as I call it.
This is not my first dance with a drawing and a physical item showing up in my life. However, it is one I remembered to document with a photo.
Gold Ion Sketch
The colored pencil drawing on the left is from some time ago. Why it is significant to me is based on the photo.
True to how things unfold for me, I drew the two objects with the blue radiating lines, then now a week later saw a strikingly similar image on a book in the physics (and astronomy) sections of our local Barnes and Noble. The photo is of a gold ion collision, as part of a particle collider study.
Visiting the book shop to see what was new, especially in the physics/astronomy sections, had become a habit of mine. I am not sure what prompted the new habit, but I had to go with the flow.
While I did not become a physicist from these book store visits (as if that was possible), I did learn a great deal about the direction the field of physics was taking plus current studies. The astronomy section only validated what my dreams and gut were telling me. The Universe was expanding at a rapid rate, and science could barely keep up.