We are eternal … birth, death, re-birth.
Birth, death, re-birth. Over and over and over. As humans it is only one of our many adventures as we travel from dimension to dimension, realm to realm.
If our loved ones could sit down with us one … more … time, they would hug us, look into our eyes and say “I’m so sorry you hurt. Please be happy for me, for I am on to new adventures, but I will always love you and listen for your call.” They are not gone. but continuing their soul journey. Rest in the sure knowledge that you will meet them face to face. Again. As souls.

I will be adding more information, about the images above and below, in my journal about each of these encounters as time permits.
Living Spirit Encounters
The images you see below are of people still in living form, but for reasons known only to them, their sprits connected with me via my sketchbooks.

Living Spirit “Encounters” via the Etheric Field
Belly Dancer & Sue
Friend of Family
My Name Is ..
A Mother - Called By her Child
Scary Man